Viable Alternatives to Colistin and Zinc Oxide Urgently Needed for European Swine Industry

AVANT, a recently launched European funded research project, aims to bring new technologies and products closer to the market that will allow modern pig farms to wean healthy piglets without the use of antibiotics, or at least with very limited use. This will help combat porcine diarrhoea, make farming more productive and cost efficient, and reduce the risk of antimicrobial resistance in pig production, with consequent benefits to public health.

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Dr. Klaus Hellmann, KLIFOVET: "AVANT, the H2020 program to investigate certain technologies as “AlternatiVes to ANTimicrobials” for swine, is aiming to establish new pathways to prevent certain bacteriological diseases  in animals, ideally replace or make the use of antimicrobials unnecessary to secure animal health. By reducing use of antimicrobials, it is expected to be beneficial to human health as well, as some diseases may have zoonotic potential and reduce selection for antimicrobial resistance. It is great to work with such an exceptional network of scientists from leading European universities and industry. It is great to be part of this network of excellence in finding the best pathways for placing such products on the European markets within the current European regulatory framework.”