Current View on Proposals for Efficacy Studies Testing Antimicrobials in Cattle

DATE » 03.06.2012

AUTHORS » Hellmann, Klaus

PUBLISHED » Oral Presentation at the 27th World Buiatrics Congress, Lisboa, Portugal (2nd - 8th June 2012), "hot topics", No. 228

Publications  - 22.10.2024

Herausforderungen durch das neue TAM-Recht für die Durchführung klinischer Prüfungen von TAM 23.10.2023 | 58. Arbeitstagung der pharmazeutischen und veterinärmedizinischen Überwachungskräfte sowie der wissenschaftlichen Beschäftigten de ... Limited market applications in the EU: experiences under Regulation EU 2019/6 03.07.2023 | EAVPT Congress 2023, Bruges, Belgium Methane production and performance in dairy cows fed with RumenProof CF 03.07.2023 | EAVPT Congress 2023, Bruges, Belgium Regulation (EU) 2021/805 amending Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2019/6: Challenges for R&D 03.07.2023 | EAVPT Congress 2023, Bruges, Belgium Recent experiences with veterinary clinical supplies’ import into EU 19.04.2023 | European QA Conference 2023 Mainz, Germany QA in VICH GCP clinical field studies in accordance with Regulation 2019/6 19.04.2023 | European QA Conference 2023 Mainz, Germany Is it Safe & Effective? 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Quality Assurance and Remote Site Audits in Veterinary Clinical Field Studies 30.07.2021 | ht ... EMA/CVMP proposals for the requirements for limited markets and minor species: an update in 2021 30.03.2021 | https://www ... A Guide to Electronic Data Capture in Veterinary Clinical Studies 26.01.2021 | International Animal Health Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4 The Multicomponent, Multitarget Therapy SUC in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Multicenter, Prospective, Observ ... 18.01.2021 | Complement Med Res 2020;27:163–173 DOI: 10.1159/000506698 Received: February 7, 2019 Accepted: February 20, 2020 ... Products for Shaping the Gut Microbiome – Regulatory Opportunities and Challenges 18.11.2020 | https ... Current status of and challenges for antimicrobial VMP development 28.08.2020 | 4th AMR Conference <a href="https://www.klifovet.com/klifovet-downloads/28082020-Publication_Klaus%20Hellmann_Antimicrobial% ... Proposals to Annex 2 of the European Regulation 2019/6 on VMPs 30.03.2020 | International Animal Health Journal <a href="https://www.animalhealthmedia.com/proposals-to-annex-2-of-the-european-regulati ... Innovation in the EU - trends and hurdles 10.12.2019 | REGULATORY RAPPORTEUR | Vol. 16, No 12, December 2019 The new VMP regulation in EU with special focus on biologicals 11.10.2019 | Conference on International Regulation of Animal Health Products, Munich ArtiCell® Forte: The First Allogeneic Stem Cell Based Veterinary Medicine for Equine 25.08.2019 | One Health Research Symposium, August 25-26 2019, Kansas City Convention Center EU Regulatory Requirements of Microbiome Shaping Products 10.07.2019 | Animal Microbiome Congress Europe, Kisaco Research, London Equine allogene chondrogen induzierte mesenchymale Stammzellen für eine wirksame Behandlung degenerativer Gelenkerk ... 28.06.2019 | Tierärztl. Umschau 74, 268-281 [2019] Die Entwicklung und Zulassung von Tierarzneimitteln 14.05.2019 | Behring Campus Eystrup, Eystrup European Regulation 2019/6 on VMPs: Implications on Innovation 11.04.2019 | International Animal Health Journal <a href="https://www.animalhealthmedia.com/european-regulation-2019-6-on-vmps-implicatio ... Veterinary Medicinal Antimicrobial Products 12.03.2019 | Chapter 28 in: Industrial Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Standards & Controls. Editor Tim Sandle, 5th Edition, 2019. Publ. Eurom ... Innovationsförderung der neuen TAM-Verordnung - Anspruch und Stand nach der Publikation 28.02.2019 | BPI-Infoday 28.02.19 Novotel Tiergarten, Berlin Advice for companies looking to enter & navigate the EU regulatory landscape 25.02.2019 | Animal Health Innovation Europe 2019 The New Regulation: Impact on Innovation, enablers and disablers 03.02.2019 | Munich Conference on The New EU Regulation on Veterinary Medicines and the Impact on Product Development and Life Cycle Mana ... Equine allogeneic chondrogenic induced mesenchymal stem cells are an effective treatment for degenerative joint dis ... 09.01.2019 | <a abstractlink="yes" alsec="jour" alterm="Stem Cells Dev." aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true" href=" ... Veterinary medical products for bees, regulation and comparative analysis between Member States 27.06.2018 | European Week of Bees and Pollination - 7th Edtion, Brussels Regulatory requirements for providing evidence of efficacy of veterinary medicinal products: Which kind of studies ... 24.06.2018 | ECVPT Workshop on "Providing evidence of efficacy of veterinary medicinal products" Efficacy of a one-shot marbofloxacin treatment on acute pleuropneumonia after experimental aerosol inoculation of n ... 22.06.2018 | Porcine Health Management (2018) doi.org: 10.1186/s40813-018-0089-2 Regulation Need-to-Knows 19.06.2018 | Human Biotech & Animal Health Business Partnering Summit, Amsterdam Network on veterinary medicines initiated by the European Federation For Pharmaceutical Sciences. 20.12.2017 | J vet Pharmacol Therap. 2018;41:378–383. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvp.12472 Data Management in Veterinary Clinical Studies 20.12.2017 | International Animal Health Journal <a href="https://www.animalhealthmedia.com/category/volume-4-issue-4/page/2/" target="_b ... Network on Veterinary Medicines initiated by the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences 31.10.2017 | Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, accepted, Oct. 2017 TOPRA Annual Veterinary Medicines Symposium 2016, SESSION 2: Current regulatory methods to address animal health ne ... 23.10.2017 | Regulatory Rapporteur – Vol 13, No 12, December 2016 Efficacy of a single oral dose of a live bivalent E. coli vaccine against post-weaning diarrhea due to F4 and F18-p ... 08.08.2017 | The Veterinary Journal 2017, Available online 21 July 2017, ISSN 1090-0233 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tvjl.2017.07.0 ... Dany's Bienenwohl(R) (containing oxalic acid) in the treatment of varroosis in honey bees under field conditions in ... 25.07.2017 | DVG-Fachgruppentagung "Parasitologie und parasitäre Krankheiten" in Hannover/ Germany, June 12-14, 2017 Evaluation of the Clinical Efficacy and Safety of a Spot-on Combination of Imidacloprid 10%/ Moxidectin 2.5% (Advoc ... 25.07.2017 | Parasitol Res (2017) 116:S65-S74 Free Access Article Anwendung von PolyVar(R) Yellow (flumethrinhaltige Streifen) für die Behandlung der Varroose bei Bienenvölkern in U ... 25.07.2017 | DVG-Fachgruppentagung "Parasitologie und parasitäre Krankheiten" in Hannover/ Germany, June 12-14, 2017 Randomised controlled field study to evaluate the efficacy and clinical safety of a single 8 mg/ kg injectable dose ... 06.06.2017 | Porcine Health Management (2017) 3:10 Open access: <a href="http://em.rdcu.be/wf/click?upn=lMZy1lernSJ7apc5DgYM ... E. coli-bedingte Erkrankungen beim Absatzferkel - Prävention im Wandel der Zeit 26.05.2017 | Presentation at the 28. InternationaleTagung zur Schweinegesundheit, May 22-24, 2017 in Erfurt/ Germany Randomised controlled field study to evaluate the efficacy and clinical safety of a single 8 mg/kg injectabledose o ... 10.05.2017 | Porcine Health Management 2017 <a href="http://em.rdcu.be/wf/click?upn=lMZy1lernSJ7apc5DgYM8Qd7QFm5u6neFYUta5bXJ7U-3D ... Experimental studies to evaluate the onset and duration of protective immunity of Coliprotec(R) F4/F18 live E.coli ... 09.05.2017 | Poster VAC-016 at 9th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management, May, 3-5, 2017; Prague, Czech Republic. Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a single-dose live non-pathogenic Escherichia coli oral vaccine against F ... 05.12.2016 | Vaccine, available online 1 Dec 2016, ISSN 0264-410X <a class="S_C_ddDoi" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.11. ... Tierarzneimittel (TAM) in Europa am Beispiel der Fachinformation von Arzneimitteln für Schweine 18.09.2016 | ÖTGD Nutztiertagung 2016 (Mondseetagung), Sektion Schwein, 1.Oktober 2016. Conduct of sudies to obtain authorization of new veterinary medical products for honey bees in the EU 06.09.2016 | EURBEE 2016, September 7th-9th, 2016; Cluj-Napoca, Romania Position Paper: EUFEPS Network in Veterinary Medicines Initiative: an interdisciplinary forum to support Veterinary ... 27.07.2016 | European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 91 (2016), I-VII; Elsevier Free Access link: <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.c ... Field efficacy of Coliprotec® F4, live oral vaccine against post-weaning diarrhoea caused by F4-enterotoxigenic E. ... 07.06.2016 | 24th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress/ 8th Symposium of Porcine Health Management 2016, Dublin, Bacteriology and Bact ... Efficacy of one-shot Marbofloxacin treatment on development of porcine pleuropneumonia 07.06.2016 | 24th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress/ 8th Symposium of Porcine Health Management 2016, Dublin, Bacteriology and Bact ... Impact of shampooing or water immersion on the effectiveness of Effipro ® Duo against the further development of fl ... 31.05.2016 | Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 27, Supplement 1, P114: "8th World Congress on Veterinary Dermatology", May 31-June 4th, 2016, Bord ... Efficacy of Effipro® Duo against ticks (Rhipicephalus turanicus) in cats 31.05.2016 | Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 27, Supplement 1, P113: "8th World Congress on Veterinary Dermatology", May 31-June 4th, 2016, Bord ... Efficacy comparison of Effipro® Duo, fipronil alone and pyriproxifen alone against the further development of flea ... 31.05.2016 | Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 27, Supplement 1, FC38: "8th World Congress on Veterinary Dermatology", May 31-June 4th, 2016, Bord ... Pharmacological studies in bees/ Pharmakologische Studien bei Bienen 18.04.2016 | Talk at the DVG Expert group bees, module 3: Toxicology and bee diseases; April 16th, 2016 in Heidenheim, Germany Vortrag in ... EU regulatory requirements to VMPs, variations and requirements for pharmaceutical companies located in Turkey to e ... 27.03.2016 | Congress of VISAD, 25th Anniversary of the Turkish Veterinary Industry Association Antalya, Turkey The potential impact of animal welfare legislation on new veterinary medicines 01.03.2016 | Regulatory Rapporteur, Vol. 13, No. 4, April 2016 Inspections to VICH-GCP studies: EU Country Implementing Inspections of Field Investigational Sites 22.01.2016 | QUASAR, Issue 134, 4th International Edition, January 2016. Efficacy of a single dose of milbemycin oxime/ praziquantel combination tablets, Milpro®, against adult Echinococcu ... 11.12.2015 | DOI 10.1007/s00436-015-4855-7, Parasitol Res, pp. 1-8, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Published online: 11 December 2015. Inspections to VICH-GCP studies: EU Country Implementing Inspections of Field Investigational Site 09.11.2015 | RQA magazine QUASAR, Issue 134. The draft of the revised EMA/CVMP "Guideline for the testing and evaluation of the efficacy of antiparasitic substa ... 18.08.2015 | 25th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP), Liverpool, United K ... Comparing user risk assessment - veterinary medical products versus biocides 19.07.2015 | Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Volume 38 supplement, p. 152; July 2015; Special issue: Abstracts of the 13th ... The revised draft of the EMA/CVMP "Guideline for the demonstration of efficacy for VMPs contaning antimicrobial sub ... 19.07.2015 | Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Volume 38 supplement, p. 51; July 2015; Special issue: Abstracts of the 13th ... Randomized comparative study of two products for the treatment of otitis externa in dogs 19.07.2015 | Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Volume 38 supplement, p.11; Juli 2015; Special issue: Abstracts of the 13th I ... The draft of the revised EMA/CVMP "Guideline for the testing and evaluation of the efficacy of antiparasitic substa ... 11.07.2015 | 60th Annual Meeting of th American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, July 11-14, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts: Poster 164 Essential oils - The answer to antibiotic resistance? 16.06.2015 | XVII International Congress on Animal Hygiene 2015, Košice, Slovakia, June 9th, 2015. The EMA/CVMP Guideline for the conduct of efficacy studies for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and its practi ... 19.05.2015 | Proceeding of the 19th Biennial Symposium of the American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Fort Collins, Co. U ... The EMA/CVMP Guideline on the demonstration of palatability of veterinary medicinal products and its practical impl ... 19.05.2015 | Proceeding of the 19th Biennial Symposium of the American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Fort Collins, Co. U ... Field evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Forcyl (R) Swine in the the treatment of SRD in naturally infected p ... 06.05.2015 | 7th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management, Nantes, France, April 22-24, 2015. Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial of a Chewable Formulation of Amlodipine for the Treatment of Hypertens ... 07.04.2015 | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. doi: 10.1111/jvim.12589 <a href="http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jvim.12 ... The European Commission Authorises the Marketing of Prevtec Microbia's Coliprotec(R) F4 25.03.2015 | Press Release, 24MAR2015 <a href="http://www.marketwired.com/press-release/the-european-commission-authorises-the-marketing- ... Preface Veterinary Parasitology, Volume 208 25.03.2015 | Veterinary Parasitology, Volume 208, Issues 1-2, Special issue: Vectors and Vector-Borne Infections Development of Veterinary Immunological and Biological Products - Now and Then? 18.03.2015 | IAJH - International Animal Health Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1 <a href="http://animalhealthmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/ ... Regulatory Guidelines (Microbiology) for Veterinary Medicinal Antimicrobial Products 20.11.2014 | In: Industrial Pharmaceutical Microbiology: Standards & Controls Editors: Geoff Hanlon, Tim Sandle Edition 2015, E ... Efficacy of amlodipine on endothelial dysfunction in cats with hypertension 07.11.2014 | European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA), 06.-09. November 2014, Munich, Germany Workshop on Assessment of Immunization Trials 06.11.2014 | http://theileriainafrica.weebly.com; www.klifo ... Improved Weight Gain in Calves by Addition of Digextra BB to the milk 05.11.2014 | Tierärztliche Umschau 69, 477-480 (2014) Efficacy and Clinical Safety of a New Palatable Formulation of Amlodipine in the Treatment of Hypertensive Cats 13.10.2014 | 24th ECVIM-CA Congress, Mainz, Germany, September 4-6 Essential oils – the answer to antibiotic resistance? 16.09.2014 | Seventh International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM), 16.-19. Septmber 2014 A review of EMA/CVMP/261180/2012: Guideline for the demonstration of efficacy for veterinary medicinal products con ... 16.09.2014 | Seventh International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM), 16.-19. September 2014 EVALUATION OF THE EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF IMIDACLOPRID 10 % / MOXIDECTIN 1 % SPOT ON (ADVOCATE®) IN THE TREATMENT OF ... 21.08.2014 | Tagung der DVG-Fachgruppe ,,Parasitologie und parasitäre Krankheiten" 30th June - 02nd July 2014, Leipzig, Germany Field clinical study evaluating the efficacy and safety of an oral formulation containing milbemycin oxime/praziqua ... 21.08.2014 | Parasites & Vectors 2014, 7:347 Published: 29 July 2014 Clinical field study on the preventive efficacy and safety of Milbemax® against Dirofilaria repens in dogs 21.08.2014 | Tagung der DVG-Fachgruppe ,,Parasitologie und parasitäre Krankheiten" 30th June - 02nd July 2014, Leipzig, Germany Efficacy and Clinical Safety of a New Palatable Formulation of Amlodipine in the Treatment of Hypertensive Cats 21.08.2014 | 24th ECVIM-CA Congress 04.-06. September 2014, Mainz, Germany Antimicrobials for the animal health market 07.05.2014 | Regulatory Rapporteur – Vol 11, No 5, May 2014 Current status of the Revision of the CVMP Guideline for the demonstration of efficacy for veterinary medicinal pro ... 28.02.2014 | Conference of the European College of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology Amsterdam, The Netherlands 27th and 28th ... Efficacy Aspects of Product Development for Biological Products 31.01.2014 | 1st Munich Seminar on Strategies and Development of Animal Health Products Munich, Germany 30.-31.01.2014 Post Marketing Studies for Veterinary Medicinal Products in the EU 31.01.2014 | 1st Munich Seminar on Strategies and the Development of Veterinary Medicinal Products Munich, Germany 30.-31. January ... General Principles of the Development for Animal Health Products: Development Plan 30.01.2014 | 1st Munich Seminar on Strategies and Development of Animal Health Products Munich, Germany 30.-31.01.2014 Regulatory strategies to market for veterinary medicinal products 30.01.2014 | 1st Munich Seminar on Strategies and Development of Animal Health Products Munich, Germany 30.-31.01.2014 "Borderline" Products in the Animal Health Market 22.10.2013 | CPHI 2013 "In Focus session: Business opportunities in Animal Health" Frankfurt, Germany 22. October 2013 Understanding of the regulations and approval process for veterinary drugs in different continents 22.10.2013 | CPHI 2013 Frankfurt: Animal Health Session Obtaining regulatory approval for clinical studies in Europe and requirements for clinical supplies management 26.09.2013 | 1st European QA Conference, 25.-27. September 2013 Tick species in cats in Europe with specific reference to R. Turanicus 01.09.2013 | 10 IVIS MILAN 2013, 28th August - 1st September 2013, Milan Italy Efficacy of deslorelin implants as the first line treatment of spayed bitches with clinical signs of urinary incont ... 07.07.2013 | 16th EVSSAR Congress (European Society of Small Animal Reproduction) Toulouse, France 5th - 7th July 2013 Treatment of naturally Notoedres cati infested cats with a combination of imidacloprid 10% / moxidection 1 % spot o ... 26.06.2013 | Southern European Veterinary Conference (SEVC) Barcelona, Spain 26-30 June 2013 Veterinary Medicinal Products in Aquaculture 16.05.2013 | Conference of the European Commission under the Irish presidency: 16-17th May 2013, Brussels, International Audit ... W.A.A.V.P. second edition: Guidelines for evaluating the efficacy of parasiticides for the treatment, prevention an ... 22.04.2013 | Veterinary Parasitology 194 (2013), 84-97 www.elsevier.com Tick species in cats in Europe with specific reference to Rhipicephalus turanicus 10.04.2013 | 12th Int. Symposium on Ectoparasites in Pets. Munich, Germany 7. - 9. April 2013 Final Program and Proceedings<b ... Antiparasitics as biocides or VMP: challenges and opportunities 10.04.2013 | 12th Int. Symposium on Ectoparasites in Pets. Munich, Germany 7. - 9. April 2013 Final Program and Proceedings<b ... 12th International Symposium on Ectoparasites in Pets (Proceedings) 10.04.2013 | 12th Int. Symposium on Ectoparasites in Pets. Munich, Germany 7. - 9. April 2013 Final Program and Proceedings<b ... Canine Hypothyreose - Wirksamkeit eines neuen L-Thyroxin-Prrparates (Wethyrox 4000g) bei täglicher Einmalgabe 03.04.2013 | Veterinärspiegel 1/2013, 11-16 Overview of Regulatory and Practical Aspects of Providing Veterinary Clinical Supplies to Investigational Centres i ... 30.01.2013 | In: QUASAR, Jan13, pages 17-19 Regulations for Borderline Products: Feed Additive versus Veterinary Medicinal Product 11.11.2012 | Part I: European Regulations. In MORE News about Feed Safety Experiences determining minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of certain yeast derived ingredient within the sco ... 25.10.2012 | Poster: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM), Washington, DC, USA ... Current View on Proposals for Efficacy Studies Testing Antimicrobials 13.09.2012 | 22nd VetPharma Symposium, 13./14. September 2012, VetMedUni Vienna, Austria. Oral Presentation Obtaining Marketing Authorisation for Fish Veterinary Medicinal Products: getting products to market 03.09.2012 | World Aquaculture Congress: AQUA 2012 Praha, Czech Republic. 2nd-5th September 2012 Oral Presentation Borderline Products difficult to define and deal with 11.08.2012 | Review Article in: All About Feed, Vol. 20 No. 8 - 2012 Peripartal treatment of sows with Catosal reduces body weight loss of sows 09.06.2012 | 22nd International Congress of the International Porcine Veterinary Society (IPVS) Jeju, Korea 9th - 14th June 2012,<b ... Pilot Study Evaluating the Safety of a Bivalent Vaccine (Suvaxynn M. Hyo- Parasuis, Pfizer) in Sows Under German Fi ... 07.06.2012 | Poster, 22nd IPVS (9th-14th June 2012), Jeju, Korea Efficacy and Safety of Baytril Max 10% Injectable in the Treatment of Naturally Occurring Porcine Respiratory Disea ... 07.06.2012 | Poster SP0083, 22nd IPVS, 9th - 14th June 2012, Jeju, Korea Obtaining Marketing Authorisation for fish veterinary medicinal products: Getting products to market 07.06.2012 | Accepted oral presentation at the World Aquaculture Society Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, Abstract 806, 2nd to 6th of Septem ... Current View on the Availability of Antimicrobials in bovine veterinary medicine: an industry perspective 03.06.2012 | Oral Presentation at the 27th World Buiatrics Congress, Lisboa, Portugal (2nd to 8th June 2012), "hot topics", No. 227 Current View on Proposals for Efficacy Studies Testing Antimicrobials in Cattle 03.06.2012 | Oral Presentation at the 27th World Buiatrics Congress, Lisboa, Portugal (2nd - 8th June 2012), "hot topics", No. 228 Evaluation of the long-term efficacy and safety of an imidacloprid 10%/flumethrin 4.5% polymer matrix collar (Seres ... 15.05.2012 | Parasites & Vectors 2012, 5:66 doi:10.1186/1756-3305-5-66 Treatment of neonatal diarrhoea in calves with natural medicine compared to a standard therapy 31.01.2012 | Behandlung von KKlberdurchfall mit biologischen Prrparaten im Vergleich mit einer Standardtherapie Prakt Tierarzt (2012) 93; 150- ... Selection Criteria for Antimicrobial Treatment of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) based on Target Pathogens to be ... 28.11.2011 | European Buiatrics Forum 2011, Marseille, 16-18 Nov. 2011, Proceedings: page 187 Dirofilariosis in dogs in the Czech Republic - occurrence, therapy, and prevention 27.10.2011 | Veterinarstvi 2011; 61: 578-581 Status quo and current challenges related to antimicrobial resistance: The Consultants View 16.09.2011 | Joint HMA/CVMP Interested Parties Meeting "Antimicrobial Resistance in Veterinary Medicine" 15-16 September 2011, EMA, London, Un ... Selection Criteria for the Antimicrobial Treatment of Bovine Respiratory Disease based on Target Pathogens 09.09.2011 | Congress of the European College of Bovine Health Management, Liige, Belgium, 7.-9. Sep. 2011. Poster, Proceedings, 107, page 60 Current View on the Availability of Antimicrobials in Buiatric 08.09.2011 | Oral Communication, 6th European Congress of Bovine Health Management, 7.-9. September 2011, Liege, Belgium Proceedings, 108, pag ... eSubmission Requirements for Veterinary Medicinal Products and Practical Solutions 07.09.2011 | "7th Annual Conference on Regulation of Veterinary Medicines in Europe", 7th/8th September 2011, Barcelona, Spain Field Evalutations of the Efficacy and Safety of Emodepside plus Toltrazuril (Procox(r) Oral Suspension for Dogs) a ... 08.08.2011 | Parasitol Res (2011) 09: 21-28 Behandlung von puerperaler Septikaemie und Toxaemie (MMA) bei Zuchtsauen mit biologischer Therapie im Vergleich zu ... 03.08.2011 | Tieraerztl. Umschau 66, 303-311 (2011) Evaluation of the Therapeutic and Preventive Efficacy of 2.5% Moxidectin/10% Imidacloprid (Advocate(r), Bayer Anima ... 26.07.2011 | Parasitol Res (2011) 109: S77-86 Aktuulnn Poznatky O Dirofilariize V Českk Republice; Vvskyt, Terapie, Prevence 26.07.2011 | Proceedings : of International Conference on Pets, Kooice, Slovak Republic, September 2011 Effectiveness of the Homeopathic Preparation Zeel Compared with Carprofen in Dogs with Osteoarthritis 29.12.2010 | Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 2011, 47, Jan/Feb p. 12-20 Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections in sows associated with Eschericia coli 20.07.2010 | Poster and Proceedings at the IPVS, Vancouver, Canada 2 Tylosin (Aivlosin) water medication for control of procine proliferative enteropathy (PPE): a field trial carried o ... 20.07.2010 | 21. IPVS Congress, Vancouver Canada, 18. - 21. July 2010, Poster 408, Proceedings 714 Management Measures to Improve Animal Health and Reduce Antimicrobial Consumption 13.05.2010 | Presentation: 5th International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM) Tel Aviv, Israel, 11-15 May 2010 Regulatory Aspects in the EU Regarding Antimicrobial Resistance in Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives 12.05.2010 | Poster: 5th International Conference on Antimicrobial  Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM) Tel Aviv, Israel, 11. - 15. May ... Medicines Surveillance and Veterinary Conditions in Denmark 12.05.2010 | Presentation at the 5th International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM), 12MAY2010, Tel Aviv, Israe ... A Six-Month Field Study On The Use Of Renalzinn In The Management Of Naturally Occurring Chronic Renal Disease In C ... 13.03.2010 | WSAVA, Geneva 2010, abstract accepted New Drugs in Swine Disease 20.11.2009 | Annual Conference of the British Pig Veterinary Society. York, UK, 20th Nov. 2009 Potential Consequences of the current Discussions and Papers on the Development of new Classes of Antimicrobials 20.10.2009 | Informal Lunch of HMA/CVMP and AVC, EGGVP and IFAH-Europe the Swedish Presidency, 20th October 2009, Uppsala, Sweden Availability for Veterinary Medicines for Bees in the European Union 12.09.2009 | Poster Presentation, Apimondia 2009, Montpellier, France Rechtliche Voraussetzungen zur Initiierung pharmakologischer und klinischer Studien 10.09.2009 | Proceedings of the 19th Symposium of the German-Speaking Veterinary Pharmacologists and Toxicologists, Munich, Germany, 10 Sep 200 ... Efficacy and Safety of ProMeris Duo for the treatment of generalised demodicosis in dogs from Italy and Albania 13.08.2009 | Poster, Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the WAAVP, Calgary, Canada, 2009 Efficacy and Safety of Imidacloprid 10%/Moxidectin1% and Emodepside 2.1%/Praziquantel 8.6 % Spot-On Formulations in ... 12.08.2009 | Poster, Proceedings of 22. Conference of the WAAVP, Calgary, Canada, page 83 Efficacy and Safety of Emodepside 2.1%/Praziquantel 8.6 % Spot-on Formulation in the Treatment of Feline Aelurostro ... 11.08.2009 | Parasitology Research, Volume 105, Supplement 1, August 2009, p. 83-90 Efficacy and Safety of Imidacloprid 10%/Moxidectin 1% Spot-on Formulation n the Treatment of Feline Aelurostrongylo ... 11.08.2009 | Parasitology Research, Volume 105, Supplement 1, August 2008, p. 55-62 Field Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Emodepside plus Praziquantel Tablets (Profender(r) Tablets for Dogs) ... 11.08.2009 | Parasitology Research, Volume ´05, Supplement ´, August 2009, p. 23-30 Reduction of antimicrobial use and resistance: any other options than reducing triggers for bacterial disease? 22.06.2009 | Presentaton at the EMEA/HMA stakeholder meeting, held at Bad Marienbad, Czech Republic on 20 May 2009, given on behalf o ... Efficacy and Safety of ProMeris Duo for the treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs from Italy and Albania 05.06.2009 | Presentation given at the International Symposium of Ectoparasites in Pets (ISEP), Toulouse, France, 5th June 2009 Prevalence of Serum Markers of Feline Chronic Kidney Disease for Quality of Life 13.03.2009 | In: Kleintiermedizin; 3, 2009 Page A24 Therapeutic and Metaphylactic Efficacy of Tulathromycin (DRAXXIN(r)) in Porcine Respiratory Disease in Europe Assoc ... 03.11.2008 | Tierärztliche Umschau / 2008, pages 6´5-620 Rickettsia felis in Fleas, Germany 29.10.2008 | Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. ´4 No. 8, Aug 2008 Experiences Testing Swine Farms for the Presence of Bacterial Pathogens and possible Consequences for the Proof of ... 26.08.2008 | Poster at the Fourth International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM), Prague, Czech Republic, 24.-2 ... Experiences Collecting Anaerobic Veterinary Pathogens from Dogs and Testing MICs using Microdilution Technique 26.08.2008 | Poster at the Fourth International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM), Prague, Czech Republic, 24.-2 ... Metaphylaktische Wirksamkeit von Tulathromycin bei Schweinen während eines Ausbruchs von Bronchopneumonie in Slowen ... 26.08.2008 | Tierärztliche Umschau, 63, No. 8, Pages 419-425 Experiences Testing Cattle Farms for the Presence of Bacterial Pathogens and possible Consequences for the Proof of ... 25.08.2008 | Oral Presentation at the Fourth International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM), Prague, Czech Repu ... Efficacy of Promeris Duo Spot On in Dogs Artificially Infested with Ixodes Ricinus Ticks 17.08.2008 | Oral Presentation at the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) and FECAVA Conference, Dublin, Ireland Wirksamkeit von ProMeris Duo Spot-on bei artifiziell mit Ixodes ricinus infestierten Hunden 10.07.2008 | Oral Presentation, Scientific Meeting of the German Association of veterinary parasitology and parasitological diseases (DVG Paras ... Evaluation of Four Fluoroquinolone Treatment Regimens for Acute Bovine Mastitis 10.07.2008 | World Buiatrics Conference July 2008. Poster 368 Metaphylactic Efficacy of DRAXXIN administered to Pigs during an Outbreak of Respiratory Disease in Slovenia 30.06.2008 | 20th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress June 2008, Durban, South Africa: P08.051, Poster Proceedings page 495 Use of Tulathromycin (Draxxin Inj. Sol.) in the treatment and prevention in swine at risk of developing respiratory ... 30.06.2008 | 20th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress, June 2008, Durban, South Africa. P05.018 Poster Proceedings Page 375 Rickettsia felis in Fleas, France 29.04.2008 | Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 14, No. 4, April 2008 Utilisation du Renalzin, un Noveau Complexeur de Phophate Intestinal, dans le Cadre du Syndrome de l'Insuffisance R ... 31.03.2008 | Oral Presentation: Proceedings of the Vetoalp 2008 Conference, March 2008, Chamonix, France, p. 69 Praevalenz von Bartonellen und haemotrophen Mykoplasmen in Flohpopulationen von Hunden und Katzen 05.03.2008 | Tagung der DVG - Fachgruppe Parasitologie und parasitäre Krankheiten   Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of a novel formulation of metaflumizone plus amitraz in dogs naturally infest ... 15.12.2007 | Veterinary Parasitology 2007; 50 (3): 239-245 Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of a novel formulation of metaflumizone in cats naturally infested with fleas ... 15.12.2007 | Veterinary Parasitology 2007, 50 (3): 246-250 * KLIFOVET AG; ** Fort Dodge Animal Health; *** Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Mun ... Efficacy of ProMeris for cats and ProMeris Duo for dogs in Europe 22.08.2007 | Proceedings of the 21st Int. Conference of the WAAVP 2007, Gent, Belgium. Editors: E. Claerebout, J. Vercruysse Prevalence of haemotrophic Mycoplasma and Bordetella spp. in fleas of companion animals from Germany and France 20.08.2007 | Proceedings of the WAAVP 2007, Gent, Belgium. Editors: E. Claerebout, J. Vercruysse Clinically relevant biochemical abnormalities in ketone body-responsive cows with abomasal dislocation to the left 20.08.2007 | Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals, Leipzig, Germany. Page 200 Behandlung von degenerativen Gelenkserkrankungen des Hundes mit Zeel ad us. vet. im Vergleich zu Carprofen 20.08.2007 | Kleintiermedizin Nr. 7/8-07 Juli-August 2007 Praevalenz von Bartonellen und haemotrophen Mykoplasmen in Flohpopulationen von Hunden und Katzen 05.06.2007 | Tagung der DVG, Fachgruppe Parasitologie und parasitäre Krankheiten. 4.-6. Juni 2007, Celle, Germany Prevalence of Bartonella and ... Bacteriological and virological status in upper respiratory tract infections in cats 09.03.2007 | Berl. Münch. Tierärztl. Wochenschr. 120, 120-125 (2007) How can Animal Health Companies best benefit from Outreach Programmes - the Part IV perspective 19.10.2006 | Strategic Alliances in the Animal Health Industry. 30-31 October 2006. Hotel Palace Berlin, Germany. Informa Life Sciences Confere ... Efficacy and Safety of Catosal(r) in the Concomitant Treatement of Ketosis in Cows with left Abomasal Displacement 19.10.2006 | Poster accepted: XXIVth World Buiatrics Congress, Nice, France, October 2006 Field Evaluation on the Clinical Efficacy of Neo-Ancemin in the Treatment of Cattle with Clinical Signs of Alimenta ... 18.09.2006 | Poster at the 10th EAVPT International Congress September 2006, Turin, Italy Development of Veterinary Medicinal Products - Clinical Field Studies 13.09.2006 | Animal Pharm Veterinary Medicines Summer School, 11.-13. September 2006, Cambridge, UK Novel Fluoroquinolone Pradofloxacine: Clinical Efficacy and Safety in the Treatment of Feline Wound Infections and ... 03.09.2006 | 10th EAVPT, Turin, Italy; 17-22. September 2006 Metaphylactic Efficacy of in-feed lincomycin and spectinomycin combination against post-weaning diarrhoea in growin ... 08.07.2006 | Poster: IPVS, Copenhagen, 2006 Clinical Efficacy of Catosal in the Treatment of Ketosis of Cows 23.05.2006 | Tierärztl. Umschau 61 (4), 187,190 (2006) Comparison of the effect of Zeel ad us.vet. in lameness of horses caused by non-infetious arthropthy to the effect ... 29.03.2006 | Der Praktische Tierarzt 87: 5 (2006), 362-370 Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of Eimeria infections in first-year grazing cattle 28.03.2006 | Veterinary Parasitology 136 (2006), 215-221 Treatment of clinical mastitits with Advocid(r) 180 05.03.2006 | Grosstierpraxis 7:01, 38-41 (2006) Experiences with the collection of veterinary clinical pathogens from bacterial diseases of target animals 23.01.2006 | Submitted and accepted: Poster AAVM, Orlando, 2006 Efficacy of toltrazuril as a metaphylactic and therapeutic treatment of coccidiosis in first-year grazing calves 24.10.2005 | Parasitol Res (2005) 97: 127-133 Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of imidacloprid 10% plus moxidectin 2.5% spot-on in the treatment of generali ... 24.10.2005 | Parasitol Res (2005) 97: 89-96 Efficacy and safety of imidacloprid 10% plus moxidectin 2.5% spot-on in the treatment of sarcoptic mange and otoaca ... 24.10.2005 | Parasitol Res (2005) 97: 81-88 Field Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of Emodepside / Praziquantel spot-on solution against naturally acquire ... 24.10.2005 | Parasitol Res (2005), 97: 58-64 Clinical Evaluation of the metaphylactic and therapeutic Efficacy and Safety of Baycox Vet. (Toltrazuril) in the Tr ... 19.10.2005 | WAAVP 2005, Christchurch, New Zealand Field Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of Emodepside Plus Praziquantel Spot-On against Nematode and Cestode In ... 19.10.2005 | WAAVP 2005, Christchurch, New Zealand Imidacloprid 10% + Moxidectin 2.5% spot on for treatment of canine infection with sarcoptes spp.: results of a Euro ... 14.10.2005 | WAAVP 2005, Christchurch, New Zealand Imidacloprid 10% + Moxidectin 2.5% spot on for treatment of canine generalised demodicosis: results of a European f ... 14.10.2005 | WAAVP 2005, Christchurch, New Zealand Recent investigations on the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes in cats and dogs from France and Germany 14.10.2005 | WAAVP 2005, Christchurch, New Zealand Efficacy and Safety of Catosal in the concomitant treatment of ketosis in cows with left abomasal displacement 04.10.2005 | Poster: Buiatrissima 2005, Bern, CH Bacteriological and virological status in feline upper respiratory tract infections 16.09.2005 | DVG: AVID-Tagung 2005, Kloster Banz Clinical Efficacy of Pradofloxacin in the Treatment of Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Infections 19.07.2005 | Conference of the American Society for Microbiology (2005) Imidacloprid 10% und Moxidectin 2.5% spot-on (Advocate) zur Behandlung der Demodikose des Hundes 23.06.2005 | DVG Parasitologie: Diagnostik, Epidemiologie und Bekämpfung von Parasitosen bei Nutz-, Haus- und Heimtieren, Potsdam 2005 Imidacloprid 10% und Moxidectin 2.5% Spot-on (Advocate) zur Behandlung der Sarkoptesräude des Hundes 23.06.2005 | DVG Parasitologie: Diagnostik, Epidemiologie und Bekämpfung von Parasitosen bei Nutz-, Haus- und Heimtieren, Potsdam 2005 Topical tea tree oil effective in canine localised pruritic dermatitis - a multi-centre randomised double-blind con ... 26.11.2004 | Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 10/2004 Teebaumöl bei Dermatitis mit Juckreiz - eine randomisierte Doppelblindstudie bei Hunden 16.07.2004 | Kleintiermedizin 5/6 (2004) Survey of the use of Cobactan 2.5% in veterinary practice: Small and companion animals 02.07.2004 | Survey of the use of Cobactan 2.5 % in veterinary practice: Horse 02.07.2004 | Tierärztliche Umschau 7, 410-411 (2004) Survey of the use of Cobactan suspension 2.5 % in veterinary practice: Swine 23.06.2004 | Tierärztliche Umschau 59, 356-358 Survey of the use of Cobactan suspension 2.5 % in veterinary practice: Cattle 23.06.2004 | Tierärztliche Umschau 59, 356-358 Field Study to evaluate the efficacy of toltrazuril in coccidiosis on pasture in cattle in northern Germany 11.06.2004 | DVG Parasitologie (2004): Aktuelles zu Diagnostik und Therapie von Parasitosen von Klein- und Heimtieren, 9.-11. June 2004, Starnb ... Bakteriologische Isolierungsergebnisse in Abhängigkeit von der Methodik. 03.09.2003 | 22. Arbeits- und Fortbildungstagung des AVID - Bakteriologie, 17. - 19. Sept. 2003, Kloster Banz Recent investigation on the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes in cats from France and Germany 19.08.2003 | Parasitol Res 90, 2003: 146-147 European multicenter field trial on the efficacy and safety of a topical formulation on Imidacloprid and Permethrin ... 19.08.2003 | Parasitol Res 90, 2003: 125-126 The anthelmintic efficacy and the safety of a combination of Imidacloprid and Moxidectin spot-on in cats and dogs u ... 19.08.2003 | Parasitol Res 90, 2003: 142-143 Clinical efficacy and safety of pradofloxacin in the treatment of canine pyoderma and wound infections under field ... 11.07.2003 | 9th International EAVPT Congress, 13-18 July 2003, Lisbon, Portugal. Poster Presentation The anthelmintic efficacy and the safety of a combination of imidacloprid and moxidectin spot-on in dogs and cats u ... 10.07.2003 | 19th WAAVP conference, 10-14 August 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Prävalenzen von Floharten bei Hunden (prevalence of flea species in dogs) 20.03.2003 | DVG Tagung der Fachgruppe Parasitologie, Leipzig, 20.-21. März 2003 A comparative field study of the efficacy of Cefquinome and Amoxycillin against acute meningitis of weaned piglets. 14.01.2003 | Pig Journal 50, 2002: 28-41 Die klinische Wirksamkeit von Cefquinom (Cobactan 2,5% Injektionslösung) in der Behandlung der Epidermitis exsudati ... 15.05.2002 | Tierärztliche Umschau 57(7), 2002: 367-374. Clinical efficacy of Cefquinome in the treatment of exudative epidermitis in pigs. 13.05.2002 | IPVS Conference 2002, 2-5 June 2002, Ames, Iowa, USA. Poster Presentation A comparative field study on the efficacy of Cefquinome and Amoxicillin against acute meningitis of weaned piglets. ... 13.05.2002 | IPVS Conference 2002, 2-5 June 2002, Ames, Iowa, USA. Poster Presentation Verkürzung der Messdauer bei der rektalen Temperaturmessung in der tierärztlichen Praxis 20.12.2001 | Tierärztliche Umschau 56(12), 2001: 657-661. Was beinhaltet der Kodex „Gute Veterinärmedizinische Praxis? 22.09.2001 | German Veterinary Congress, Hanover, Germany Gute Veterinärmedizinische Praxis (GVP) – lästige Pflicht, überflüssig oder nützlich? 20.09.2001 | German Veterinary Congress, Hanover, Germany, 2001 Seminar: Qualitätsmanagement in der Tierarztpraxis Expertise required for monitors, investigators and CRO’s 18.09.2001 | LMU, EMEA/CVMP, FEDESA Workshop on VICH GCP, Munich, Germany Qualitätssicherung (QS) und Qualitätsmanagement (QM): Bedeutung für die tierärztliche Praxis (Teil 1) 31.08.2001 | Der Praktische Tierarzt 82(3) 2001, BPT Info: 8-9 Epidemiological Data: Conducting Field Studies Testing Parasiticides in Pets 30.08.2001 | 18. WAAVP Conference 2001, Stresa, Italy Guidelines on Clinical Field Studies Testing Parasiticides 30.08.2001 | 18. WAAVP Conference 2001, Stresa, Italy Wirksamkeit von Danofloxacin bei der Behandlung von E. coli-Durchfall bei Ferkeln 27.05.2001 | Bayerischer Tierärztetag 2001, München: Seminar Responsibilities of the investigator according to VICH GCP 25.05.2001 | Bayerischer Tierärztetag, München, 2001 Seminar Qualitätsmanagement in der Tierarztpraxis Qualitätssicherung (QS) und Qualitätsmanagement (QM): Bedeutung für die tierärztliche Praxis (Teil 2) 01.04.2001 | Der Praktische Tierarzt, 82. Jg, 4.2001, BPT INFO, Seite 9 – 10 Qualitätsmanagement im Labor: Systeme, Anforderungen und Zertifizierung – EU, WTO, OIE 28.03.2001 | International Training Course Deutsche Stiftung für Internationale Entwicklung (DSE), Feldafing bei München TAIEX/FVE: Consequences of Privatisation of Veterinary Practices in the Candidate Countries Krakow, Poland 23.03.2001 | Qualitaetsmanagement (QM): Bedeutung fuer die tieraerztliche Praxis (Teil 1) 01.03.2001 | Der PraktischeTierarzt, 82 Jg,3.2001, BPT INFO, Seite 8 – 9 Comparative efficacy of Flunixin in the treatment of bovine enzootic pneumonia in cattle 01.03.2001 | Der Praktische Tierarzt, 82. Jg, 3.2001, Page 190-196 Die klinische Wirksamkeit von Danofloxacin 2,5% (Advocin(R)) bei der Behandlung von Escherichia coli-Infektionen so ... 05.01.2001 | Tierärztl. Umschau 5, 2001: 235-243 Efficacy of selamectin against experimentally induced and naturally acuired ascarid (Toxocara canis and Toxocara le ... 23.08.2000 | Veterinary Parasitology 91 (2000), 333-345 Good Clinical Practice: Review and Expectation 02.08.2000 | 8th International Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) Jerusalem, Israel Good Clinical Practice: Practical Experience and Expectations 09.11.1999 | Annual Assembly of the British Association of Research Quality Assurance (BARQA) Harrogate, UK Experiences Monitoring Clinical Studies Testing Parasiticides in Pets 17.08.1999 | 17th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) Copenhagen, Denmark Fettsaeuren-Peroxidation und Vitamin E-Gehalt in Eberspermien 01.01.1993 | Vitamine und weitere Zusatzstoffe bei Mensch und Tier, 4. Symposium, Jena, Deutschland Subklinische Mastitis: Voraussetzung für Sanierung und Therapie 01.01.1993 | Tierärztliche Umschau 48, 356-364 Lipid Peroxidation in Boar Semen. A Relevant Aspect of Semen Storage? 01.01.1991 | Boar Semen Preservation II: Proceedings - Supplement 1 to: Reproduction of domestic animalsm, Paul Parey Verlag, Berlin und Hambur ...